Podwalk app

The podwalk app - location based audiotours

A Podwalk app is a location-based audio tour that allows users to listen to relevant stories. Based on the user's GPS location, an audio clip linked to that location is played. This happens while the phone can stay in the pocket with the screen on standby. This ensures a fully 'hands-off' experience with the Podwalk app. No users staring at their screens and getting distracted by their phones, but visitors hearing the story relevant to their location.

The podwalk app is the audio tour solution for provinces, municipalities, and cities looking to share their unique story in a innovative way or to attract more tourists. It is also ideal for tourist attractions, museums, natural areas, and TV programs, such as with "The Story of The Netherlands".

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Your own Podwalk? Schedule a call.

Podwalks in numbers

Podwalk apps
Podwalks in our
podwalk apps
Content available
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4,6 stars
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App Store Downloads
550+ million
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Award-winning technology

Your own podwalk app in the app stores?
Our whitelabel podwalk app is te answer.

Our Elements Whitelabel podwalk platform contains all the necessary features to launch your own mobile app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store:

podwalk app scherm detail pagina podwalk beschrijving audiotour

1. Costs Apps

Development: setup, design, content implementation, submission to the Apple App Store and/or Google Play Store, and functional testing.
Support & license: use of the whitelabel Podwalk platform, maintenance, and aftercare.
3 months
15K + €500 per month
1 year
25% discount
15K + €375 per month
3 years
40% discount
15K + €305 per month
5 years
50% discount
15K + €250 per month

2. Costs Content development (optional)

Cost per podwalk, assuming 20 to 25 audio clips per podwalk.
1 podwalk
5 podwalks
10 podwalks

- Voice, studio recording, editing, assembly, mixing, materials, stock music, project management.
Medium - Voice, studio recording, editing, assembly, mixing, materials, stock music, script, project management.
Premium -  Voice, studio recording, editing, montage, mixing, materials, custom-made music, script, studio recordings / on-location recordings, strategy & concept development, debriefing, brainstorming, project management.

Your own Podwalk? Schedule a call.